The One And Done Heat Pump Washer Dryer Changes Everything

Decarbonizing your home can be a daunting task, but GE’s One and Done Heat Pump Washer Dryer Combo gives you an opportunity to at least make a start.  The laundry room is a place where you can make a surprisingly big impact on climate change with one purchase. Replacing your old washing machine and tumble…

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The Ultimate Window Heat Pump Guide

For all the talk about swapping out our fossil fuel furnaces for heat pumps, there are millions of people for whom that is not a viable option. These are people who either don’t own their own homes or don’t control their own heating and cooling sources because they live in an apartment or condo complex….

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Do You Need A Span Smart Electrical Panel?

The SPAN smart electrical panel is likely to play a significant role in the home electrification movement in the coming years. That’s because, for all the talk about the exciting future of home electrification, two big challenges need to be addressed before the whole world can go electric. The first involves utility companies’ concern about…

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What Is A Mini-Split Heat Pump?

Mini-split heat pumps are becoming all the rage among homeowners looking for a more efficient way to regulate temperatures in their homes. But many home homeowners are unfamiliar with them. So what is a mini-split heat pump? Mini-splits are air-source heat pumps that provide both cooling and heating to individual rooms or zones of the…

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Starting Our Journey To An All Electric House

If it’s true what the old Chinese proverb says, that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, then this is the first step of our journey to an all electric house. It’s an assessment of exactly where we’re starting from as we embark on our home electrification journey at the tail…

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The Ultimate Home Electrification Guide

If you want to electrify your home (and, trust me, you really do want to) there are a few things you’ll need to know, some concepts you’ll need to grasp and some jargon you’ll want to learn. In this post we’ll take you through them. Think of it as the Wikipedia of home electrification. Some of the…

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The Dangers Of Cooking With Gas

Most homeowners don’t realize the dangers of cooking with gas. One of the ironies of the environmental movement is that it has spent much of the last few decades fighting (rightfully) to improve outdoor air quality while, until very recently, at least, ignoring the issue indoor air quality. And that is in spite of the…

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The 5 Best Heat Pump Dryers

If you’re serious about shrinking your carbon footprint, you may be wondering if a heat pump dryer is one way to do it. A ventless heat pump clothes dryer is a type of electric dryer that has long been popular in Europe and is becoming increasingly popular in the US due to the energy savings…

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Heat Pump Basics – Can They Save The World?

Of all the things an average homeowner can do to help fight climate change, perhaps the most underappreciated is the installation of an electric heat pump. They may not be as sexy as electric vehicles, and they’re certainly not as high-profile. But with 12% of our greenhouse gas emissions coming from the heating and cooling…

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Electrify Everything In Your Home In 5 Easy Steps

The fastest way to reduce your carbon emissions is to electrify your home and ditch fossil fuels. The non-profit group Rewiring America estimates that we need to replace one billion fossil fuel-burning machines if we want to electrify everything in every home in America. Don’t let that number intimidate you, though. For the average homeowner, that works…

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